Thursday, March 26, 2009

Porter & Twilight

So, Porter is the funniest kid. I just laugh at him none stop. As we were driving down to St George last week, he kept asking me if I was going the right way. I pretty sure I've got it covered. At about Beaver he perks up and says, "Yeah Mom, you are going the right way". Then as we got closer to St. George he started recognizing his mountain, Emily's mountain, Meagan's mountain.... Way too cute.

So of course while the kids & I were there, TWILIGHT came out on DVD. We watched it Saturday night, then Sunday afternoon, then on the way home on Monday (we'll Natalie & Porter did). So Porter's new obsession is Vampires.

Fast forward to today.

Porter cut himself while trying to cut an apple. He comes to me and says, "Mom, look I'm bleeding". Me, "what happened?". P, "I was trying to cut the lucky thing off the apple". Me, "oh". P, "At least we don't have any yucky vampires here." I couldn't keep a straight face. My sweet little boy. He just keeps me laughing.

1 comment:

Alex, Nicholas and Lukas' family said...

Cute :)) Alex is not into vampires, thankfully :)))