Saturday, November 8, 2008

How many 'Bob's' does it take to build a deck?

So, how many Bob's does it take to build a deck????
2 'Bob's' and 1 Bubba.

Porter has been waiting 2 days for Jeremy Roberts to come and build the deck. He has walked all over the boards and jumped from the pile of them too. Now he is out with Jeremy & Craig learning how to build the deck. And boy does he have 20 questions for them.

He even made me put on his "Buzz lightyear" hat - just like the guys AND his "Bob the Builder" tool belt, with screwdrive (can't find the hammer). He is taking this deck building very serious. He doesn't even want to play with friends today. Which is amazing considering he has been grounded all week and hasn't been able to play.

Hopefully he'll learn all that he'll need to so that the next deck we need to do, we can assign it to him.


Gudgell said...

I should certainly like to have a daily or semi weekly update on the progress of the deck. I can't believe that it is happening. What else to expect from Porter the mechanical/builder boy.

Emily Sullenger said...

BOB'S!!! That is so so so funny. I love it I'm going to start calling construction workers Bob's!

Emily Sullenger said...

BOB'S, That is so so so funny!! Now I'm going to call construction workers Bob's, so cute!
- Emily

Michelle said...

I can't believe it's been almost 4 years since Porter & my daughter, Aliza were born. Cute pictures! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I had no idea you had a blog!